Arts Fest: Reverie Week 2
No performer is unfamiliar with the saying ” 台上一分钟,台下十年功”.
The biannual Arts Fest has always been a large affair for the Performing Arts groups. On this day, they showcase the results of their hard work to their schoolmates and family members - people dear to their hearts. At the same time, it is an occasion whereby RVians can demonstrate their support for the performers, while appreciating the arts. But if you did not manage to attend the event, don’t worry, for we have got it covered!
The concert began with the junior choir’s young and pure voices which filled the entire auditorium.
One could picture the farmers repeatedly sowing seeds and toiling to the refrain of “米浓”. With their bright tones, the choir conveyed the liveliness of the farmers and joy derived from a day spent productively - perhaps a parallel of their own labour as they conquer the challenges of learning a song and surmounting a hectic school life.
The vocal runs in “Io Son La primavera” (meaning the coming of spring) along with the jazzy refrain in “Renovantur” continue to reverberate in our ears long after the performance.
CLDDS (Junior High)
The CLDDS (Junior High) put up a performance about the dangers of gambling - a message made apparent as we followed the main character on his journey to losing it all. We gripped our seats as we tracked his whirlwind venture into gambling - winning at the stakes, but at the price of morality.
The actors depicting the underground world of gambling effectively created an atmosphere of eeriness and foreboding, their mocking attitude contrasting with their playful design of the costumes. This contrast is representative of the dangers of gambling, of the true darkness lurking under a carnival-esque fun.
The stoic expressions create an eerie atmosphere.
The final blow was a harsh one, culminating in the lead’s biggest loss. He loses his life, and possibly his soul.
The profound loss of the lead is conveyed with strong emotions.
Indeed, it was a chilling cautionary tale about greed and heedless material pursuit.
Dance Society (Senior High)
The Dance Society brought to us a dance titled “当你老了”. The dance was preluded by the dancers freeze-framed in a family portrait, the curtains framing the scene. The beginning was a lead-in to the dance’s theme on familial love.
The curtains opened to reveal the rest of the troupe, who leapt energetically in their colourful costumes, displaying their youthfulness and vibrancy. The dancers were hoisted into the air by their counterparts, portraying the dreamy phase of adolescence.
Fluid and graceful moves of the dancers.
The dance ended on a melancholic note, slowing as the old couple moved with the difficulty of age.
The transition from youth to old age reminded the audience of the fleetingness of youth, and urged us to empathise with our elders as we would one day too experience old age.
ELDDS (Junior High)
The ELDDS (Junior High) “talked about the weather”, a metaphor for conveying one’s emotions.
We followed the lead as a “dark cloud” loomed over her head, unbeknownst to her family and friends.
The dark cloud tags along with the lead without consent.
The “white clouds” adorably complemented the various scenes, from swaying “in the breeze” to holding up props in an attempt to depict “the weather”. The ELDDS appeared to be having just as much fun as the audience.
The ending was an optimistic one — while the lead had not gotten rid of her “dark cloud”, she eventually learnt how to “talk about the weather” with others.
Through the light-hearted, cheeky play, we followed the lead on her journey of self-discovery: how we should be accepting towards our negative emotions and open up about them with our loved ones.
The River Valley Chamber Singers sang in foreign tongues - Italian, Swedish and German - yet the solemnity and grief in the music were not lost in translation.
There was beauty in the dissonant melody, creating a jarring feeling of longing, loss… Haunting and chilling, the chords struck a sternum.
Their voices soar in the silence of the auditorium.
The last song was a familiar one - Somewhere Over the Rainbow. The choir presented us with a melancholic rendition of the song, the rich tones only possible with a 4-part composition. The choir’s repertoire ended as the chamber singers sang softly and wistfully, “Why oh why oh why?”
ELDDS (Senior High)
The subject matter of the ELDDS (Senior High) play was heavy.
In the play, the inner struggles of the lead, a cancer patient, were manifested physically. She desired to bring along her most treasured belongings on this trip of no return. We watched as her fantasy of packing this metaphorical “suitcase” played out.
The lead imagines a bright yellow suitcase, a stark contrast with her dire circumstances
Continuing with the metaphor of a long vacation, the lead reassured her grandson that she was merely departing on a trip.
The heartwarming interactions between the lead and her grandson only serve to cause further heartache in the finale.
In the heart-wrenching ending, the lead’s grandson discovered that his grandmother had gone without her suitcase - she was forced to leave everything she treasured behind. The poignant portrayal of death left a final note of sobriety.
Dance (Junior High)
As usual, the Dance Society (Junior High) was bedecked in their flowy traditional Chinese costumes and headgears, with colourful ribbons and fans in hand.
A flurry of colours and action.
The dance was all about uniformity, a strength in numbers. We could feel their energy radiating off them - especially when they came offstage onto the aisle, right in front of and beside the audience. It was enthralling to watch the dance within an arm’s reach, as we were able to see the minutest rippling of the ribbons as they were tossed into the air. Truly, unity in dance is strength and beauty.
Before we knew it, Arts Fest had come to an end. As the Dance Society remained in their position, in came ELDDS and CLDDS, tossing crimson ribbons into the air. Finally, the Chamber Singers filed in, clapping their hands to the beat.
We were surrounded by the various Performing Arts groups in a situation you would call “四面楚歌”, but without the battle connotation and with literal song and flair. What a magical way to end the night!
Concluding words
Many of us rejoiced in the opportunity to reconnect with the Arts amidst the realities of homework and tests, and to share this joy with the people around us.
Thank you performers, teachers and instructors who hopefully enjoyed the night as much as we did, and felt the same joy in sharing the love for the Arts!
Of course, the spectacle of these performances cannot be entirely captured in words - the wondrous theatrical atmosphere, the voices melding into one and the graceful arch of backs can only be experienced in the flesh. So, be sure to watch Arts Fest 2019, and experience the splendour for yourself!