Y.LEAD: Meet the People Session! (Part 3)
1. Interview with a Teacher Chaperone from Thailand
This time round, we managed to interview a teacher chaperone from Thailand to understand how she feels about the Y.LEAD Seminar.

Q: How do you find Singapore so far? What do you like about it?
A: I like Singapore as there are many shopping malls and interesting places for my students to explore.
Q: What are some interesting cultural differences between Singapore and Thailand?
A: Students from Singapore and Thailand have different learning styles. I feel that Singaporean students are great role models for our students as they are energetic and keen to learn.
Q: What is your general impression of the Y.LEAD Seminar so far?
A: I noticed that there is a lot of teamwork and coordination within the organising committee running this event.
2. An interview with a facilitator, Zheng Xunuo​

Today, we had an interview with Zheng Xunuo, a student who is not new to taking up leadership roles. A third-time Class Chairperson, Xunuo decided to challenge himself by being a facilitator in the Y.LEAD Seminar.
Q: Why did you decide to lead as a facilitator in the Y.LEAD Seminar?
A: Unlike other facilitators, I did not choose to take up this position. I was asked to become a facilitator.
Q: What is one perk of this job?
A: I like interacting with foreign participants.
Q: How different is the Y.LEAD Seminar now compared to the time when you were a participant?
A: With the switch in my role from participant to executor, my objective at the Y.LEAD Seminar has changed. As a participant, my main goal was to have fun and to gain new knowledge. However, now that I am part of the organising team, I am responsible for the participants’ welfare and for ensuring that they learn as much as possible from the Y.LEAD Seminar.