RV60: A Symbiosis of Things New and Old
A symbiosis of things new and old, RV60 was both a celebration of our alma mater’s past achievements and also a means of welcoming the future with open arms. Indeed, the visual highlight of the night, the mass display put up by the student body was a befitting way of embracing our 60 years of excellence. Even as a member of the audience, we were still awed by the immense effort put in by the students that led to the success of the event. As a newly minted alumni, it was truly a novel yet bittersweet experience to be an observer of this performance that we had once been a part of. Returning shortly after our graduation as the class of 2015, it was definitely surprising to see that so much had changed in such a short span of time. From the shiny school arch and the brand new “Popular” that replaced the bookstore to the tiniest of things such as the fresh layer of paint, we noted each change with great excitement and a lingering sense of nostalgia. Even though the memory of our school’s layout was still fresh in our minds, we were struck by the realisation that we were no longer back as students, but as alumni. Catching up with our peers, one by one, allowed us a glimpse into the new paths that they had forged for themselves. As we listened to the sharing of their new experiences, the significance of time dawned upon us. It became apparent that our differences would only continue to grow as we embraced our lives after RV.
“Continuity follows in the footsteps of change.”
Yet even then, stepping back into the school after such a long hiatus, still gave us a true-blue “back to school” vibe. It was especially so when a passing teacher turned to look at us disapprovingly when we ate outside the canteen. Truly, it made us feel like newly initiated year ones being lectured on the importance of proper attire! As the saying goes, some things never change. Indeed, the bonds we formed with our peers in RV is something that will always bridge the gulf of time. Like a family, we will always be able to reconnect with one another so long as we remember the shared memories that bind us together as RVians. It truly has been a great privilege and joy to be a part of the RV family. Here’s to us wishing all our juniors the best for their remaining RV life, and hoping that the flame of the RV legacy continues to burn bright for the generations to come!