To RV, With Love

“What is RV to you?” This was a question that I asked myself incessantly throughout my six years in the school, but never seemed to be able to find the “right” answer. However, after celebrating River Valley High School’s Diamond Jubilee on the 16th of January this year, I guess I now know the answer. As a Student Guide of our school’s Archive Room for the event, I had the privilege of meeting a myriad of alumni who spoke fondly of the memorable moments in their RV days. Here are a few instances that really touched my heart: 1. I have often heard (and still do hear) many students complaining about our school’s Junior High uniform. Besides being hot and stuffy, why does the girls’ uniform have such an uncanny resemblance to a nurse’s uniform? However, on Saturday, a throng of alumni stood pensively beneath the display cupboard showcasing our school uniform, and many expressed their wish to wear the uniform once again. An alumnus from the Class of 1989 told me that she still has her uniform in her wardrobe, even after all these years. Frayed and yellowed it might be, but to her, it will always be a visual reminder of the good old days. 2. A time capsule (filled with mementos) which was placed on RV’s 50th anniversary was unveiled that day, and it will be re-opened on our school’s 75th anniversary, in 2031. As I was pointing that out to a particular alumnus, her friend interjected, “2031? We’ll be 60 years old then! If we’re too old to walk by then, let’s get our children to wheel us here.” 3. Our campus in Jalan Kuala was, technically, our very first official “home”, and it housed many fond memories of several cohorts of students. It was no wonder that the 3D model of our Jalan Kuala campus got many alumni reminiscing over their days spent there. What really struck me, though, was how they could remember the school in its finest detail, even decades after their graduation. “The canteen used to be there right? My favourite stall was the fishball noodle stall, the 3rd one from the right.” “My crush’s classroom used to be in this block; I always waited for her outside her class!” “We always played ball games here, remember?” Many people say that our memories will gradually fade as we grow older. However, I guess those memories that we hold close to heart will never lose their vividness. 4. Perhaps the most touching moment I witnessed on Saturday would be the white-haired alumnus squatting to take photographs of old pictures of the school, despite his aching joints. He asked me over to help him locate himself in the black and white pixellated photograph on the wall display. “I was from the first cohort,” he said, eyes gleaming as he recounted his school days. At that moment, even his age spots seemed to dance as he began reminiscing. Despite having only the black and white photographs as a reminder of his youth, his RV memories were colourful — and will always be. “So, what is RV to you?” I think the answer is apparent to me now. River Valley High School was and is a part of who I am, and will always be a part of my identity for years to come. Last, but not least, Happy Birthday, RV! You have been great. Thank you for the memories!