The Darkest Hour Before Dawn
The darkness chokes and suffocates, A showcase of dominance and power. When it brings forth Hell's very gates, Behold the darkest hour. The lights are out, No warmth no shine. Darkness settles like a dark storm cloud, It strangles like a venomous vine. A sudden flash lights up the night, A streak of silver and white. I hear Marduk strike the sky, In the distance, a lone bird's cry. A howling wind, icy cold, Shivers and prickles it leaves behind. Does this stormy scene unfold, Within your dark and twisted mind? The wind screams across the sea, The waves crash down, mighty and fierce. You fall to your knees in agony, Your pleas are lost to their ears. Is this how you feel when life, Pushes you past the breaking point? When the wars of hell rage inside your head, When all your vision clouds with red? Now you stand atop a cliff, Staring down at the waters foul. That rage and scream and howl at you, Waiting to swallow you whole. It's the test that we've all taken, Are you strong or have you been weakened? Will you fight till your very last breath, Or will you fall and succumb to death? You can't stand up any longer. You're going to fall down and surrender. You see your life flash before your eyes, And you whisper, "I'm going to die." The wind starts to howl again, This time, a voice lies therein. It is soft, gentle and faint, And it sings above the din. "My child, be not afraid; "You are not alone. "I'll be with every step you take, "Let me guide you home. "Let the past go, dear child, "The past is poison and vile. "Come now, the future is waiting, "Sweetie, we need to get going." Slowly you inch from where you've been, Towards the promise in the wind. Approaching it with baby steps Never once do you look back. You walk towards the horizon, With a calm and settled mind, As you embrace the crack of dawn, And leave the night behind.