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To Read Or Not To Read: Book Recommendations

By Chin Xin Yi (20J17), Yeoh Jun Lynn (20J17) & Lin Jiawen (20J19)

To read or not to read - that is the question. Of course, the answer is always to read, and some of you have done just that through our recent Book Recommendation Challenge that took place on Instagram during the December holidays! We received insightful book recommendations from RVians of all levels, and because good things are worth sharing, we’ve compiled them into a list for your viewing pleasure. We hope some, if not all of these books make it onto your to-read list in the near future, and stay tuned to find out who the winners of our Kinokuniya vouchers giveaway are!

Book #1: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

Prompt given: A book made into a movie

Genre: Fantasy

Student review: A world with a race of warriors called shadow hunters, who fight demons. It is written really well, with swoon-worthy romance and witty humour!

Our comments: This book is perfect for lovers of romance and supernatural action.

Book #2: Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

Prompt given: A book set in the future

Genre: Science fiction

Student review: I really like this book as it explores how the relentless pursuit conventional beauty standards affect how society works!

Our comments: We think this book is great for those who love science fiction, but also want to delve deeper into modern societal issues.

Book #3: Lion City by Ng Yi-Sheng

Prompt given: A book set in Singapore

Genre: Singaporean Literature / science fiction / fantasy

Student review: It’s a collection of short stories with magic realism, sci-fi elements, a refreshing read!

Our comments: For those who like short, easy-to-digest reads, this book’s for you!

Book #4: Ghost Girl by Lesley Thomson

Prompt given: A book with mystery

Genre: Thriller

Student review: A book filled with mystery, a journey of a detective’s daughter discovering the truth behind an unsolved murder case.

Our comments: For those of us who love good crime fiction, this might be the next case you want to crack.

Book #5: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Prompt given: A book with prose that is sublime

Genre: Science fiction

Student review: It’s a complex work of art: The character that wreaks the most havoc is also the character who is the most sympathised with and in a sense the most human; the most sane.

Our comments: Frankenstein’s a classic that’s stood the test of time, and we’re sure that it’ll continue to entertain readers for many more years to come.

Book #6: Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

Prompt given: Book from my favourite genre

Genre: Fantasy/Action

Student review: My favourite genre is fantasy/action and this book belongs to my favourite series (Throne of Glass) which is in that genre.

Our comments: This book is perfect for lovers of bad-ass heroines, action and romance!

And here’s the moment everyone’s been waiting for - the winners of our giveaway!

Congratulations to @creepydinosaur and @wwencii for winning the Kinokuniya vouchers; our members will be in contact with you shortly! And to those who didn’t win, don’t be discouraged, because we’ll be having a similar activity very soon! Remember to follow us @rvselc to stay updated on the different activities we’ll be conducting soon!



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