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2019 A-Level Top Scorers

Congratulations to our outstanding students!

As the J2s of the 2019 batch waited anxiously for the collection of their A level results, they found themselves listening to Mrs Teo’s opening speech through a livestream, across various tutorial rooms around school.

Mrs Teo addressing the students through a live stream.

Due to the suspension of mass gatherings in view of the COVID-19 situation, the students had no choice but to split up into their respective homerooms.

A Level results released in separate venue due to the need for social distancing.

Yong Jie Ning (18J01'19) was one of the top scorers from her cohort. She commented on this,

“It [was] quite sad that our batch [couldn’t] collect our results together in a common venue but at least we were able to do so with our classmates.”

In spite of the unusual situation, River Valley High School is proud to announce that students from the Class of 2019 have done exceptionally well.

Of the 4H2 students, a notable 99.2% attained at least 4H2 and GP pass while 98.4% of the cohort scored at least 3H2 and GP Pass. Additionally, 36.92% of the students had achieved at least 3 H2 distinctions.

Overall, 43.3% of the cohort attained a score between 85 and 90 rank points and a commendable 28 students attained a perfect score of 90 rank points.

Congratulations to the outstanding batch of 2019!

Valedictorian Ian Lee pleasantly surprised by his grades.

Of course, these impressive achievements did not come without hard work. The valedictorian of his batch, Ian Lee (18J02’19) explained,

“After seeing my prelim results that added up to 66 rank points, [I] was pretty skeptical of being able to score above 85 rank points. [Even though] the Seniors said that a jump of 20 rank points could be expected, there’s always that crippling thought: what if it doesn’t happen? So when I received my results I definitely was pleasantly surprised.”

The diligent effort that all our students had put in really showed through their outstanding results this year.

Our J2 students definitely overcame varying challenges to get to where they are today. Jie Ning shared, “One of the main struggles was trying to keep up with the pace of the lectures and tutorials, especially when we missed lessons due to illnesses or events… What I did was to seek consultation as early as possible because I think the most important thing is to be diligent. Many would think that consultation in JC1 may be too early but it's definitely necessary if you can't understand the concepts. Take the chance to clarify, which was what I did.”

“Enjoy the process, and always remember to stop and smell the flowers.”

Best of luck to both the graduated batch of 2019 for their future endeavours, as well as the current J2s on their A Level journey!

Instead of coming back to see familiar faces in the school hall, the graduated batch of 2019 found themselves separated into tutorial rooms as they collected their A level results.

The suspension of mass gatherings in view of the COVID-19 situation, meant that even Mrs Teo’s opening speech had to be done through a live stream that was broadcasted to the respective venues.

Yong Jie Ning (18J01), one of the top scorers from her cohort, was disappointed that her batch could not collect their results together in a common venue.

“But at least we were able to do so with our classmates,” she said.

In spite of the unusual situation, River Valley High School is proud to announce that students from the Class of 2019 have done exceptionally well.

Of the 4H2 students, a notable 99.2% attained at least 4H2 and GP pass while 98.4% of the cohort scored at least 3H2 and GP Pass. Additionally, 36.92% of the students had achieved at least 3 H2 distinctions.

Overall, 43.3% of the cohort attained a score between 85 and 90 rank points and a commendable 28 students attained a perfect score of 90 rank points.

Valedictorian, Ian Lee (18J02) explained, that he was initially disappointed with his prelim results and, despite encouragement from his peers, did not expect to do too well.

“So when I received my results I definitely was pleasantly surprised,” he said.

While the students faced varying problems, Jie Ning attributed her good grades to diligent effort and quickly seeking consultations when in doubt.

“Many would think that consultation in JC1 may be too early but it's definitely necessary if you cannot understand the concepts,”

“Take the chance to clarify,” Jie Ning added.

This is Ian’s advice for the current J2 students: “Enjoy the process, and always remember to stop and smell the flowers.”

Congratulations again to the outstanding batch of 2019!

School leaders with our top scorers.


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